Hi everyone!
Sorry we haven't posted in awhile. I am not really sure where the time had gone. And, I can't really believe that we have been back from our DC/VA trip for a month now.
Part of the lapse in time is due to the fact that we have not been sleeping well. The Thunderous Threes have been upon us in full force. And although it means that we can officially say J is 100% potty-trained, we can also say he has had some MAJOR regression in the area of going to bed and sleeping through the night. This has been a huge shock to us as J was always a really EXCELLENT sleeper and going-to-bed-er.
Other than not sleeping too well, we have been busy! We try to hit the pool every-other day or so. We get to see a few of our friends that are still in town and we enjoyed VBS last week. It was really a ton of fun. Here is a video of Joseph singing the main song:
But, onto the real purpose of this post. Our little Giules!!! She is now 7 months old! I cannot believe it! She is wearing 6-9 month clothing that is fine width wise but seems to be running a little short. We think she might be a taller drink of water, which would be nice since I'm a shrimp (mom writing, not dad). She is weighing about 14.5 LBS and wears the 2-3 diapers and is 26.6 inches long. She is eating her multi-grain cereal, peaches, plums, acorn squash, sweet potatoes, butternut squash... and carrots and avocado are reluctantly eaten when mixed with some other more favorable fruit or veg. This week we are going to introduce pears, apples, and bananas while continuing to enjoy the squashes and veggies.
She is able to sit up for quite a long time on her own. She also will purposefully roll down from sitting and do what I call the "spinner". This is where she balances herself on her tummy and rotates around in a circle. She is also rolling from place to place... mainly to try and get at anything she shouldn't. And, she is practicing getting up on all fours to crawl... Mobility is not far off.
As for her temperament, she is incredibly happy and smiley, unless hungry or very tired. But, even when exhausted, if you smile and engage her or take her outside to watch the trees, she is happy as can be. She loves to float in the pool and is even getting used to her big brother swimming and splashing all over her.
Now, for what most of our family and friends have been waiting for, PICTURES!