Monday, February 22, 2010

P-Day!?! It's a BIG one!

We know you have heard of D-Day and V-Day but have you heard of P-Day? P-Day like these other two days, is riddled with tears and small victories. You are probably really curious to know what we are writing about... well ...

We are an officially toddler-pacifier-free home now! On Saturday, Feb. 20, the "last" paci broke at bedtime. The little comforting tool was on it's last plastic thread. Mike came in and we had a quick chat about how we worried if he sucked it off he could choke. So, at story time, when Joseph was asking for his pacie, we explained that it was broken and we didn't want him to choke. We said it was time to throw the broken part away and he pulled it off. He put it in the trash can, but then walked toward his door. I asked where are you going? He said, "Mommy, I have to go to the store to buy more pacies for me. They have them at the store." We tried really HARD not to laugh! But, he was so serious and intent on just walking out to the store. Well, we talked how it was late and stores were closed. We explained that he could still sleep with his pacie handle - only in that moment the only name for that part of the pacie that came to me was "pacie stump".

A few minutes later, he was in his bed with his usual suspects - Elmo, Stutsey (a bear from Stuttgart), Cookie Monster and his Panda (Tian Tian from National Zoo) AND the now named pacie stump! The stump made a couple tumbles off the bed while he was trying to sleep. At one point, we heard his bedroom door open, he didn't say anything. Mike peaked in the hallway and he was under his toddler bed searching for his pacie stump. He had opened the door for some light to get his new little comforty. We went in the room and got his stump from under the bed, got back in bed and redid prayers, songs, and cuddles. By 8PM he was asleep, soundly and didn't wake up once!

Here are a couple images of the new "pacie stump". Here it is waiting in bed like a good pacie:
Just waiting for Joseph to come to bed...

The stump:

One more closing note of how J has been handling this BIG CHANGE! At naptime on Sunday, Feb 21, I was laying with him and we were reading stories and singing... he had his stump and would lay on his back, place the pacie stump on his mouth, and just lay there really still, feeling the pacie on his mouth. Poor guy... but we are SO PROUD of him! He went to bed with no issues and not once has he asked to go to the store for more pacies!

Now, the next challenge, POTTY training. I think it will take more than one day to get that feat accomplished. But, you never know. I really thought getting rid of the pacie would take a long time.

1 comment:

Kerry O'Brien Wilson said...


We have just recently gone through the same transition - so I do not have to imagine what you are going through! We had much weeping and some gnashing. So sad -- I though my heart would break!

I thought it was a long-gone issue until my friend told me he that when he came to her house last week he went into her kitchen and asked if she had any dee dees :)

It is comforting to know that the boys who started out "borrowing" each other's pacis/dee dees, have graduated from them at the same time.

Love you guys --