Saturday, April 19, 2008

Glendale Here We Come

Hi everyone! We went to AZ last week to visit friends and to see Thunderbird. It was an incredible trip and I did really well on the 5 and half hour flight out there. I was really impressed with how green and spacious everything is in the AZ area! I mean, there are no really big buildings and, well, its kind of flat in the city, but when you look out, all around you are these incredible mountains. It's really lovely. Check it out:

Mommy said it was a lot greener than she thought it would be and daddy said that Uncle Linc thought that by the time we get moved in things will be pretty brown in the summer. Oh well, it was nice and sunny. Daddy and mommy kept putting this silly hat on me and that is not cool! But, I better get used to it since Hot Summer AZ here we come!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Joseph, You can't tease us like that! You know we need to see your cute face in the hat -- we can never get enough of you. love Aunt A
ps Sorry if I did this twice. technical difficulties