Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Me and my hat...

Well, Auntie A has a legitimate request. However, as much as mommy and daddy tried to put the hat on me and keep it on just long enough to get a picture... I was FASTER! HAAA HAAA! And, I was able to get that silly hat off as fast as they could get it on. They even went so far as to try and get one with some sort of ties! Well, I showed them! While we were in the store I displayed my incredible speed at ripping it off... so, I have now challenged mommy to a photo-hat-wearing duel! We shall see if the next blog posting actually has me in said hat... here is a picture of what it looks like on a child that has clearly been PAID to wear these silly things: http://store.babycenter.com/product/code/18146.do?scid=SSE:GOO&ci_src=14110944&ci_sku=219104

So... keep watching the blog to see who will win the baby sun hat DUEL!

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