Sunday, October 12, 2008

Ah, the secret life of boys!

There comes a time in every rightly constructed boy's life when he has a raging desire to go somewhere and dig for hidden treasure. -- Mark Twain
So take a little trip with me into the beautifully adventurous life of our little boy!
Places to find adventure:
1) The bathroom, where I found mommy's nail polish and decided to see if I could spike it into the bathtub like daddy has been showing me with the ball. Minor problem, nail polish is not a ball and does not bounce. It smashes and explodes... After daddy got rid of most of my handy work inside the tub, the toys were left to me to inspect... yep, pretty nice paint job I think! I like that color here better than on mom's toes anyway!
2) The kitchen, where I am often found playing with fun things inside the refrigerator. Hummm what do we have here? Can I peeeeessss have a strawberry (which comes out sounding like ah-ah-ah and making the sign for please) - before I drop them:
3) The farm, where I chased the billy goats and chased and CHASED for like 10 minutes.
4) Where ever there is a doggie (or in this case a PUPPY)
5) And, of course, at home with my own horse and saddle where I know my ride so well I don't even have to be able to see!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oh my!!!!!
the pay-backs have started! i must say, i am going to soooooooooo enjoy this next few years of blogging pix!
and you only have one of these little munchkins - just wait - it gets BETTER, for me, anyway-
love to you all-