Saturday, October 18, 2008

You've come a long way

A year ago, almost exactly!
And this year at the pumpkin patch a shot similar to the one a year ago, but I am not drooling and can sit up by myself!
I can even stand up by the pumpkins all by myself... I am such a big boy!

And another:

Here's me with my daddy at the farmer's market:
And, me with mommy at the pumpkin patch this year:
I love the fall, even though there are not nearly as many colors of leaves on the trees out here.

1 comment:

Kerry O'Brien Wilson said...

J-man -- I can really say that "I knew you when"... because I did! Way back last year for your first pumpkin patch visit -- we were already buddies. Boy, do I miss you.

My mom has this hare-brained idea of walking me around in a sheep costume with Naomi for Halloween, so that we can be "A Wolf and Sheep's Clothing" -- how goofy is that? Hope that your mom will do better... Love, P-Man