Sunday, October 26, 2008

Costume FUN!

This year mommy decided she would make my costume again. You may recall last year's Greto Grapes. Although I have another costume that I will also wear this week to a couple events (thanks to Uncle Preston - one of my godfather's) mommy also made me a GIRAFFE costume. We all know how much mommy and Miss Katie LOVE those silly things. And, since I got to feed one at the zoo last month, I really like them too. Here I am without further adieu, here are some photos of the Hot Air Balloon Fall Costume fun at the stadium down the street from where we live:
Me not so sure about this whole face painting business:
Me and my so fun buddies near the petting zoo (I think I am getting into my costume because everyone keeps telling me how cute I am):
Me and my tail:
Me with my zoo keepers and friends:
There will be more, many more pictures because there are 3 more parties where I will either be a Giraffe or a local, African Giraffe-keeper in my Ghana outfit this week. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Jenny and Dan said...

Ummm . . .oh my goodness! Could he possibly be cuter? That little giraffe melted my heart! Rhys asked if his Auntie Meg in AZ could make his costumes, too!? You are so talented! And have I told you lately how much we miss you guys! Huge, big Halloween hugs to you, Mike and little J-man giraffe! xoxo